Mathematical Society


There are no memberships available right now, please check back later.
Join the Maths Society...we have Pi

Our aim with this society is to provide a space for people with an interest in mathematics to meet and socialise. We would like to foster a community of like-minded individuals who will help each other in the pursuit of understanding and digesting mathematics. No mathematical prowess is required, just a willingness to learn, co-operate and educate.

We envisage a whole range of fun activities, from a Mathematics ball to holding guest speakers, who will educate on career paths and opportunities in maths as well as topics in mathematics itself. We will link in with several of the collegiate Mathematical societies which exist throughout the country, hosting visits to UL and showing off our wonderful campus and visiting the likes of UCC, NUIG and UCD. Weekly meetings hold a key part in every club and society and we intend to make these meetings as interesting as possible for members, mathematical puzzles and riddles, games and ice-breakers, Math Olympiads and trivia quizzes, food and fun are just some of the many activities we hope to undertake. But our reach will not be limited to a meeting room, we intend to hold Karaoke nights, trivia quizzes and social outings right here on campus in The Stables, The Scholars etc We also intend to provide members with personalised clothing such as Maths Soc Jumpers and Maths Soc Socks, helping to foster the sense of community we are striving for.

Memberships will be 5 euro per person per year. They will be taken in cash until further notice.

Below is a link to our WhatsApp group

Once your membership is approved you will be added into the group :)

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