The Student Information and Support Officers (SISC) provide advice and support on a range of academic, personal and financial issues.

UL Support Services

UL-associated support services 

The UL Student Life Support coordinators work closely with a number of departments across campus. We will often connect you with other support services so that you have the best support. There are so many different supports and initatives students can avail of so when you meet with us.

Here are some supports we work closely with: 

Student engagement & support officers

Student Engagement & Support Officers (SESO) are aligned with each of the four faculties. The SESOs are here to assist fulltime undergraduate students in finding the answers to questions and identifying the appropriate academic supports to help them excel during their time in the University of Limerick.

Learn more here.

Science & Engineering Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Philip Desmond
Book an Online Appointment
Phone: +353 61 237 894

Cynthia Adubango
Book an Online Appointment
Phone: +353 61 202 838


Kemmy Business School  

Ronan Keane
Book an Online appointment
Phone: +353 61 202 831

Counselling service

Éist, UL’s Student Counselling and Wellbeing service can help you to better understand the issues that are impacting you.


Student health centre

The Student Health Centre operates a dedicated GP service for all students on campus.      Services include access to a doctor (GP), nurse, blood tests, contraceptive clinics, sexual health clinic, physiotherapy and exam-related services as required. This service is appointment-only.



The UL Chaplaincy works to meet the many and varied religious needs of a global university campus. The key activities of the UL Chaplaincy team fall into 3 categories. 

  1. Support
  2. Worship/Spirituality
  3. Outreach/Volunteering


Fr. John Campion SDB
Mobile: +353 (0) 862632458
Tel: +353 (0) 61 202180
Room No: CM071

Sr. Sarah O'Rourke FMA
Mobile: +353 (0) 864127485
Tel: +353 (0) 61 233635
Room No: Teach Failte



Student financial support advice service 

The UL Student Financial Support Advice Service provides financial support and budgetary advice to the general UL student population. The Student Financial Support Advisor advises prospective and registered students on financial planning for college; advises registered students on financial supports available, eligibility criteria and how to access supports; assesses applications for funding supports; and advocates for individual students who might be experiencing particular financial difficulties.

Mature student office

The Mature Student Office supports mature students who are registered on full-time undergraduate programmes in UL and students on the Mature Student Access Certificate. The Mature Student Office (MSO) acts as a guide for mature students. The work and support provided by the MSO focus primarily on supporting the transition of mature students to third-level studies.


Access office

The Access Office works to promote and support the participation of students from socio-economically disadvantaged groups who have been under-represented in the university sector.  The work of the Access Office may be broadly categorised into three areas, namely pre-entry school activities, post-entry student support including a bespoke transition to university course for access students, and outreach work in the community. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Access Office.  



Disability services

The Disability Support Service (DSS) are committed to the provision of educational opportunities to Students with Disabilities (SwD) on full-time undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, as well as mature students and international students with disabilities. They offer a dedicated support service to students registered with the service. The Disability Support Service welcomes and supports prospective students with a wide variety of disabilities. It is important that all incoming students with a disability are registered with the services so that initial needs assessment, tailored supports and assistive technology solutions and specific exams requirements (extra time, reader pens, etc.) can be provided to support your learning and development at UL.


Contact: or or


First 7 Weeks

The First Seven Weeks (F7W) is an initiative at the University of Limerick designed to provide strong, enhanced and targeted support to students during the very early weeks of their time as UL students. Recognising that successful early adjustment is linked to subsequent success, F7W provides a range of information, targets their resources and interacts with new students in ways that let students know they care about them and are interested in their successful adjustment. 

Visit: @Firstweeks on socials and

President’s Volunteer Award (PVA)

Whether you are a student who wishes to find some volunteering opportunities and/or you are already engaged in volunteering, PVA are there to both support you and also to formally recognise your contributions as part of learning and personal development journey at the University of Limerick. The PVA award acknowledges the commitments of students who give up their time to causes and initiatives during their studies. 
