Wellbeing support
At UL, you are part of a pack and should never feel like you have to go it alone. Whether you are struggling with your mental health, physical health, substance abuse or sexual health, there are plenty of supports available to you.
No matter how you're feeling, the first step towards feeling better is to talk to someone and find the right help.
Mental wellbeing

Now more than ever, it is so important for students to take care of their wellbeing and look after their mental health. If you are stressed, feeling down, anxious, depressed or just not yourself, there is always someone that you can turn to for support, advice or even just a listening ear.
If you need support regarding your wellbeing, whether it be related to your mental health or otherwise, you can contact UL Student Counselling and Wellbeing Service for counselling support. UL Student Counselling and Wellbeing Service provides a drop-in service Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 12 noon (last check-in 11:40).
Outside of this, there is also the UL Chaplaincy which runs weekdays from 11am to 3pm. The chaplains provide a listening service, offer a welcoming space and supportive presence to students and staff. They promote an open and caring environment where diversity is respected. The key activities of the UL Chaplaincy team fall into 3 categories:
- Support
- Worship/Spirituality
- Outreach / Volunteering
Online supports
Student can also avail of the following online supports:
Students can also call:
- UL Chaplaincy (Teach Fáilte) – 061 232180 / 3635
- A&E dept. for mental health crisis – 061-301111
- Pieta House – 1800 247 247
Physical health

If you are having issues with your physical health, you can contact our health centre. The Student Health Centre is located in block C, level M (room CM061) in the main building and provides a service for University of Limerick registered students only.
The Student Health Centre is an urgent care/advisory service and deals with all general health issues as they present. Any students with a long term medical condition which requires regular follow up should register with a local GP, as the Student Health Centre is not a GP service.
The Student Health Centre opening hours are:
Monday to Friday:
9:00am - 10:30am,
11:00am - 12:45pm,
2:00pm - 4:30pm.
For more information visit; Student Health Centre
UL Sports and Clubs & Socieites
Another way to look after your physical health is to join a sports team or club/society at UL. In total, there are over 75 clubs and societies within UL, all of which boast a strong community of members and delegates. Clubs & societies are a huge part of the university experience at UL. Joining a club or society allows you to be part of a community, make new friends, meet like-minded people, find a new sport or hobby, learn a new skill, have fun, and make the most of your college experience!
Learn more here.
Substance abuse

If you are struggling with addiction, there are supports available to you both within the community and online.
Sexual health
Information about all aspects of sexual health including contraception, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy can be found below.
- Sexualbeing is where you can learn and avail of free condoms, lube, emergency contraception and at-home STI Kits.
- SH24.ie for a free at home STI testing kits
- Man2Man.ie provides HIV and sexual health information for gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men in Ireland
- GOSHH.ie is a sexual orientation, sexual health HIV service.
Unplanned pregnancy
An unplanned pregnancy may leave you feeling worried and confused. You may have many conflicting and strong feelings about your pregnancy. However you're feeling, there are many supports and services that can help you get through it!
- The HSE offers support to those faced with an unplanned pregnancy and offers free telephone and face to face counselling services.
- Limerickfamilyplanning.ie can help provide advice and informational support in sexual health
- Irish Family Planning association provide a pregnancy helpline that can be reached at 1850 495051
Image Based Sexual Assault (IBSA)
Image based sexual assault is when intimate pictures are share non-consensually. Recent legislation has now made this an offence.
Hotline.ie is the national centre for combating illegal content online.