I am a (loud and proud) tribeswoman from Galway who has spent the last four years completing a Psychology and Sociology degree here in UL. I am so excited to represent and voice the concerns of the student body for the next year. I am truly passionate about interacting with people and helping others find the information they need. As I have experienced, university can be the most fantastic yet frightening years our of lives which is why, as your welfare officer, I will act as a helping hand, allowing students get the very most out o their college experience. No question is too big or too small, pop into my office or drop me an email. Even if it’s just for a chat, I’m excited to meet the student body and always open to idea for new campaigns. My nickname is Happy Gilmore and I want to do all I can to make this a Happy Campus!
My role as Welfare Officer covers many different aspects such as looking after the physical, mental and sexual health of students, creating drug and alcohol awareness campaigns to allow you to make informed decisions, and answering any accommodation and financial queries you may have. UL is full of amazing supports and initiatives for students and one of my primary roles is to make you aware of these supports. I sit on numerous committees to ensure your voice is heard and to raise concerns affecting students. I will also be creating exciting campaigns throughout the year that help raise awareness and bring a buzz around campus. I want these campaigns to be a source of valuable information (and freebies) for you guys, as well as making them as fun and full of craic and, basically, to make wholesome memories of your time here in UL.
Whether you are a first year finding your feet or a fourth year walking a well worn path, it is YOUR college experience! Shape it into your own and I’m here to make it as comfortable as it can be. The sole purpose of our campaigns is to help you, the students, achieve your best experience possible which is why myself and my fellow student officers are here to help and answer any queries you have. If you aren’t sure of something? Reach out! I do not promise to have all the answers but I will help in finding someone who will! We’d only be delighted to help as interacting with you guys is the best part of the job. Clubs and Societies offer a distinct range of activities, don’t be afraid to start something new. As a member of the UL Wolf pack, you’ll certainly have a howl! Being a member of the previous Welfare officer’s team has been a significant part of my college experience and has driven me to pursue my passions and engage in this role. So keep an eye out over the semester for our recruitment! Who knows… it could be you writing this bio in 12 months time?!
Once again, I want to reiterate that my door is always open and if there is anything I can help or guide you with during your time in UL please contact me at I’m excited and honoured to be working on behalf of the UL students and I promise I will always give 100% to ensure your welfare is looked after.
On behalf of myself, Student President Maeve, Academic Officer Kieran and Communities Officer Laura, I want to wish you all the very best of luck. We can’t wait to see you in the courtyard!