I’m from County Waterford and I’ve just finished my final year of Engineering and DCG teaching.
I’d like to welcome all new and returning students, especially our first years who are visiting UL for the first time. I look forward to meeting you all and welcoming you to UL’s fantastic community. My main advice to you would be to get involved in college life as much as possible. No matter what you are into, UL has a place for everyone. It’s up to you to find where you belong. Don’t be afraid to try something new, step out of your comfort zone, it might be the best decision you ever make.
My role is to represent the student body. I will be sitting on various UL committees making sure that students’ voices are heard and taken into consideration when decisions are being made that could impact the student experience.
As a student representative, it is my job to represent the best interests of the students. Feedback is central to everything I do. I need to have eyes and ears on the ground to understand the problems that students are experiencing so that I can assist in solving issues.
I aim to find as many student reps as possible. These positions give students skills and experience that will benefit them in the future. It will also integrate them into a community of like-minded individuals and provide them with the opportunity to develop lifelong friends. I will make sure that these students have access to training and that they are supported in becoming knowledgeable and confident student reps.
Essentially, I am here to help and guide you with anything that affects your academic experience. I am also here if you simply want to call in and have a chat.
Looking forward to working with you all for this coming year.