Dervla Ryan


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Dia dhaoibh!

My name is Dervla Ryan and I am your Vice President Communities Officer for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Where are you from?

I am originally from Kilkenny, and I moved to Limerick to start my studies in 2018. I grew up in the countryside with my dad and four brothers, but I have always wanted to move to the city, so living in Limerick has been the perfect first step for me. I am proud to call it my second home, especially once I finally felt like I belonged in UL.

What did you study?

I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, specialising in German and Sociology. This degree allowed me to travel the world, experience different cultures, and understand people better. Having lived in Mexico and Germany as part of my studies, I was really able to see how different cultures and communities fostered a sense of belonging in their own unique way, and this was one of the many experiences in my life that inspired me to run in the Student Life elections.

What is your role?

As Communities Officer, I am the primary representative and advocate for the equality, diversity and inclusion interests of UL students. I focus particularly on minority groups, such as LGBTQIA+ students, sanctuary students, postgraduate students, disabled students, and many more! I am also heavily involved with clubs and societies.

What does your role entail?

The student officers work as a team, and each of us has our own speciality to focus on. For the community officer, this means representing students regarding their equality, diversity, and inclusion issues. I represent and advocate for minority students on the ground while also representing them on several university committees. When it comes to making changes in the university, I make sure to amplify the student voice so that the student voice comes first. For clubs and societies, I am the chairperson of the C&S Council and Exec. I am also a member of the Student Exec and Student Council.

Tell us a bit about you?

During my time in college, archery became my life. I was president of the UL archery club, and I have competed all over Europe with my team, so they are like a family to me. I love trying new hobbies; when I was younger, I even wanted to be a ballerina and a tattoo artist! I also have what I call a ‘hobby graveyard’ in my house, which is full of art supplies and sporting gear.

Why did you become a student officer?

Becoming a student officer is something that I started researching months before the elections. I learned and saw a lot as a UL student and wanted to be a part of the change. One of my many passions is leading so that others can lead, and my predecessors, Laura and Katie, inspired me to take that lead. My involvement in clubs & societies and student council had a huge impact on my decision, as I was able to see first-hand just how impactful the student voice is. When it came to choosing which officer to run for in elections, I ultimately decided to run for communities officer as another one of my passions lies in community work, especially around diversity, inclusion, and fostering a sense of belonging.

What are your goals for the year?

My primary goal for the year is to advocate for more communal spaces (or ‘third spaces’) that allow students to foster a community in UL naturally. Additionally, I would like to start a ‘disorientation’ guide for students that will help them find a sense of belonging in Limerick as well as the university. Finally, I plan to advocate for more EDI training for clubs and societies, students, and student officers so that UL becomes a more inclusive and engaging environment for all.

Where can students find you on campus?

You can usually find me plotting and planning in my office every morning (bottom floor of the Student Centre). I will also be at the Commuter Hub, Communities Catch Up, and the Zen Zone weekly. During the day, you may see me around campus at various events that the officers have planned. I have an open-door policy, but if you need to chat and cannot find me in the Student Centre, drop me an email at so we can organise something!