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The Student Information and Support team at UL Student Life have rebranded to Advice & Advocacy. 

What does this mean for you?

We want to assure you that the same service will be offered to you during your time in UL, we are evolving to offer a better service for you.

What services are provided? 

 We are here to offer advice on a range of topics from academic issues to financial challenges. We are independent from the university so you can trust that our advice is unbiased and impartial. 

 We offer free, confidential and non-judgmental straight forward advice on academic issues, accommodation, free legal aid and   any financial concerns you may have. We can also help students through the complaints process and offer general advice on any   issues affecting your college experience.  

 In UL there are a number of different supports and services available, and we can help find the right one for you.  

 You can find out more about the supports we offer and how we can help you by checking out our advice hub.

How can students interact with us? 

It is easy to connect with us. You can send us an email or book an appointment to speak to us 1-1. 

Always remember, we might not be the right place, but we are never the wrong place. We are here to help steer you in the right direction during your time at UL.  



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