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Are you registered to vote in the upcoming local and European elections? Ensure the student voice is heard this June, check the register!

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Are you registered to vote in Ireland? Local and European election are happening this June across Ireland and in Limerick, people will be given the opportunity to vote for a Directly Elected Mayor in a first-of-its kind role in Ireland.

We are encouraging all students to use their vote, ensure their voice is heard, and to be a voice for change! 

If you are unsure on whether or not you're registerd to vote, you can quickly find out on Check the Register.

If you are not registered, it's pretty quick to sign up, you just need your PPSN, date of birth and Eircode.

What are you registering for?

The Local and European Elections are happening across the country on June 7th. The Local Elections refers the election of Councillors to represent you in your local authority e.g your respective City or County Council.

The European elections refers to the election of MEP's ( Members of European Parliament) which essentially means you are voting to chose the representatives in your consitiuency that will represent you at a European level in Brussels. 

Why is it important to register to vote?

So why is it so important to use your vote in the upcoming elections. Our Student President Ronan Cahill shares why he believes the student voice is so important: 

"It is so important that as students we come out and vote in our local and European elections, you have a vote, a voice, so it's important to use it!

As a student representative sometimes it is hard to push student issues and concerns at a national level. If we can show politicians that as students, we are the future of the country, we can vote and then a big Student turn out in elections sends a message to politicians that they should listen, recognise and act upon student issues and concerns because ultimately we will have a big say in whether they are elected or not in future!" 

Where can I get more information?

For more information about how to register, where to register your vote to or any general questions you can find out more on checktheregister..

The Electoral Commission website also has a tonne of infomation on the upcoming elections. 

Make sure you are registered to vote and check your eligibility before the 20 May 2024. You must be over 18 to vote in the elections. 



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