Learn more about UL Student Life's policies, the board of directors, our constitution, financial reports, student forum, and our archive.

Student Forum


Under Bye Law 1: Rights of students, Decision-making and Definitions we are obligated to offer you a seat at the table. But we wanted to do that anyway!

Every year and twice a year, we used to hold a general meeting, with agendas and minutes – all that professional stuff. But, based on your feedback, we have changed the name to the 'Student Forum'. Not only did we listen to you, but this better reflects how we work for you.  

The purpose of the Students’ Forum is to create a pathway for you to shape your student experience

By taking part, you can have your say on policy in a range of areas, including but not limited to:

  • Academic
  • Student Engagement
  • Welfare
  • Equality & Diversity

When you engage with the Student Forum, you are entering an active and engaged listening space, and directly connecting with your elected student officers and student representatives. We collect your feedback and use that to inform our actions going forward. Want to discuss something? You can put an item on the agenda by contacting studentpresident@ul.ie 

At the forum, the elected student officer team will share updates on some of the ongoing work we have undertaken this year, as well as an update on the UL Student Life strategic plan, and more. 



Just what do students want? We think about this all the time. That is why the Student Forum acts as a creative and engaging listening space, and we use your questions to form the debate and your answers to inform our work going forward. Have a look below to see what we've been up to. 

Padlet responses feature a collection of anonymous feedback we collect to improve your student experience.


Semester 1 2024/25

Download - Padlet Responses Nvember 14th 2024 

Download - Agenda November 14th 2024