Introduction - Voting Yes For The Annual Levy
In 2016, students were asked to vote YES to the introduction of an annual levy for a maximum number of years, which would contribute to the development of a number of student projects.
In the referendum, students were asked to vote YES to the following:
- To introduce an Annual Student Levy to contribute to the development of a new student centre as well as enhanced sports facilities.
After received a majority vote, the levy was passed and commenced on a graduated basis from September 2017. Students paid €36 in 2017-18 and 2018-19, i.e. 40% of the levy. The full levy of €90 came into effect in 2019-20. Thereafter a €2 increment would apply each year to reflect inflation. The levy is scheduled to remain in place for a maximum of 20 years. The levy ends once the project has been completed and paid for in its entirety.
(A full history of the referendum and the most frequently asked questions can be found here.)
What's Involved in the Leave a Legacy Project?
- The construction of a brand new centre for students,
- The renovation of Maguire’s training pitches, two new multi-purpose, all-weather pitches,
- A climbing wall,
- A handball alley,
- A 25m diving pool
- The restoration of one particular area of the University’s indoor sport’s facilities.
Proposed Facilities
1. A New Student Centre
- A new, welcoming and inviting student centre will be a place that encourages interaction between students, a place to fully engage with university life. The new Ul Student Life will be a place to chill out and a social centre in the campus which creates a sense of ownership among students. The inclusion of new meeting areas will allow students hold events within the UL Student Life, which will be able to cater for 200 – 300 people, from class rep meetings to large society meetings.
- Space for recharging phones and laptops
- Located in the centre of campus
- Welcoming space and transparent
- Meeting spaces for clubs and societies
- Rooms for group projects
- Sensory Garden
- Sustainable
- Radio/Multimedia Room
- Terrace
The location of the proposed new student centre will be centrally located along one of the primary pedestrian routes across the campus. Consideration will be given to the co-location of the new centre with existing student facilities on campus. It is important that the proposed centre establishes a powerful focal point of student life on campus and integral to the overall role of the University in firstly attracting and more importantly retaining students on campus.

2. Upgrade of Maguires Field (Now known as Maguires Pitches)
3. Sports Arena Extension
This Includes:
- A 25x10m climbing wall
- A swimming/diving pool with 1m and 3m diving boards to a depth of 4m which also includes a floating floor
- A martial arts room with club storage facilities
- An elite weight training area
- The development of an individual group fitness zone
Download - Climbing wall report 2010
Download - Arena extension plan